Personalizing Your Healing Diet
The Paleo Autoimmune Protocol includes 2 phases: elimination and reintroduction. We aren’t meant to stay in the elimination phase forever. The reintroduction process is how we learn to communicate with our bodies and discover the foods that do and don’t work for us. Here, you’ll find everything you need to navigate reintros with ease.
Start Here
- Top 5 Mistakes People Make Reintroducing Foods
- The Paleo AIP Reintroduction Guide
- Reintroducing Foods on the AIP: An Overview
Frequently Asked Questions
- How My Diet Has Evolved Over 10 Years With Rheumatoid Arthritis
- Finding Your Wiggle Room on the AIP
- Episode 147: Loss of Oral Tolerance with Dr. Datis Kharrazian
- Episode 130: Long-Term Healing Diets
- #NotPaleo Moments on the Paleo Diet
- To Ghee or Not to Ghee
Personal Experiences
- Miranda’s Paleo AIP Reintroduction Experience
- Pooja’s Paleo AIP Reintroduction Experience
- Andrew’s Paleo AIP Reintroduction Experience
- Donna’s Paleo AIP Reintroduction Experience
- Tess’ Paleo AIP Reintroduction Experience
- Angela’s Paleo AIP Reintroduction Experience