“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.”
~ Margaret Mead
I started the Phoenix Helix podcast to share an empowered approach to autoimmune health. Every other week, I interview experts in the field of health and nutrition, as well as individuals living with autoimmune disease themselves. Together, we are reclaiming our lives, and inspiring others to do the same. I’m also excited to share that we passed a huge milestone in 2018: 1 million downloads! (And in 2021, we reached 2 million!) We also won 1st place for best podcast in the Paleo Magazine Awards.
Listening Options
- Listen to my podcast through your favorite podcast app: iTunes, Google, TuneIn, Spotify, Amazon, etc.
- You can click through on the show notes below to listen to the episode right here, or download it manually to your computer or device. If you subscribe to my newsletter, you’ll got notified of future episodes.
Browse Recent Episodes
- The Final Episode of the Phoenix Helix Podcast
- Episode 230: Healing Stories 11
- Mindset Minisode – Positive Visualization
- Episode 229: Best Of – Resilience with Dr. Cynthia Li
- Mindset Minisode – Learning To Say No
- Episode 228: Digestion Troubleshooting with Dr. Sruti Lam-Fletcher
Show Notes
For every episode, I take notes so you don’t have to. They contain detailed summaries of all topics discussed, as well as links to more information. Here’s the complete podcast archive:
- The Final Episode
- Episode 230: Healing Stories 11
- Mindset Minisode – Positive Visualization
- Episode 229: Best Of – Resilience with Dr. Cynthia Li
- Mindset Minisode – Learning To Say No
- Episode 228: Digestion Troubleshooting with Dr. Sruti Lam-Fletcher
- Mindset Minisode – Identity & Autoimmune Disease
- Episode 227: Autoimmune Q&A with Terry, Sarah, and Eileen
- Mindset Minisode – Being Perfectly Imperfect
- Episode 226: Transgender Autoimmune Health
- Mindset Minisode – Kindness
- Episode 225: Neurology Tests with Dr. Ken Sharlin
- Mindset Minisode – Self-Limiting Beliefs
- Episode 224: Ayurvedic Medicine & Autoimmune Disease with Dr. Akil Palanisamy
- Mindset Minisode – 5 Senses Exercise
- Episode 223: Epinutrients with Dr. Kara Fitzgerald
- Mindset Minisode – Social Media Noting
- Episode 222: Traditional Chinese Medicine & Autoimmune Disease with Dr. Tanya Lee
- Mindset Minisode – Don’t Believe Everything You Think
- Episode 221: Sound Healing & Autoimmune Disease
- Mindset Minisode – Write a Letter to Your Body
- Episode 220: Seasonal Allergies and Autoimmune Disease with Dr. Heather Zwickey
- Mindset Minisode – RAIN Technique
- Episode 219: Food Sensitivities and Autoimmune Disease with Dr. Alison Danby
- Mindset Minisode – Guided Meditation
- Episode 218: Anti-Inflammatory Foods with VJ Hamilton
- Mindset Minisode – Gratitude Practice
- Episode 217: Healing Stories 10
- Episode 216: Best Of – Exercise Intolerance with Andrea Wool
- Episode 215: Best Of – The Gut Microbiome with Dr. Lucy Mailing
- Episode 214: Emotional Eating & Autoimmune Disease with Tomesha Campbell
- Episode 213: Holiday Boundaries & Autoimmune Disease with Dr. Ellen Vora
- Episode 212: Morning & Bedtime Routines with Dr. Sybil Cooper
- Episode 211: Indigenous Medicine and Autoimmune Health with Dr. Nicole Redvers
- Episode 210: Colonoscopies and Endoscopies with Dr. Marvin Singh
- Episode 209: Preventing Autoimmune Flares
- Episode 208: Nutrient Deficiencies & Healing Diets with Dr. Sarah Ballantyne
- Episode 207: Cultivating Joy with Shauna Ahern
- Episode 206: Listener Q&A
- Episode 205: Magnesium and Autoimmune Disease with Dr. Guillermo Ruiz
- Episode 204: Navigating the News with Sharon McMahon
- Episode 203: Kids in the Kitchen with Ginny Mahar
- Episode 202: Self-Love Workbook with Dr. Shainna Ali
- Episode 201: Rheumatology Tests with Dr. Anna Lafian
- Episode 200: The Gut-Skin Connection with Dr. Shayna Peter
- Episode 199: Best of – Overcoming Sugar Cravings with Dr. Vickie Bhatia
- Episode 198: Healing Mindset with Eileen Laird
- Episode 197: Parenting with Chronic Illness
- Episode 196: Troubleshooting with Dr. Terry Wahls
- Episode 195: Detoxify Your Home with Dr. Aly Cohen
- Episode 194: Thyroid Tests with Dr. Datis Kharrazian
- Episode 193: Accessible Yoga with Jivana Heyman
- Episode 192: Healthy Food Swaps & Nutritious Combos with Annie Rubin, RDN
- Episode 191: Healing Stories 9
- Episode 190: Best Of – Blood Sugar & Autoimmunity with Dr. Jeff Horacek
- Episode 189: Best Of – Meditation for Fidgety Skeptics with Jeff Warren
- Episode 188: Overcoming Food Fear
- Episode 187: COVID-19 Vaccines and Autoimmune Disease with Dr. Aly Cohen
- Episode 186: How to Ask for Help with Kalene Khan
- Episode 185: Eye Health and Autoimmune Disease with Dr. Rani Banik
- Episode 184: Anti-Inflammatory Supplements with Dr. Amy Nett
- Episode 183: Detoxifying Foods with Andrea Nakayama
- Episode 182: Big Decisions – Big Results
- Episode 181: Overcoming Bias with Anu Gupta
- Episode 180: Body Image and Autoimmune Disease
- Episode 179: Vitamin D and Autoimmune Disease with Dr. William Mitchell
- Episode 178: Racial Trauma and Autoimmune Disease with Dr. Letitia Browne-James
- Episode 177: GMOs with McKay Jenkins
- Episode 176: Navigating Uncertainty with Dr. Damon Silas
- Episode 175: Long COVID Syndrome with Chris Kresser
- Episode 174: Health Benefits of Nature with Dr. Austin Perlmutter
- Episode 173: Cardiac Risk and Autoimmune Disease with Dr. Millie Lee
- Episode 172: Stool Testing with Dr. Lucy Mailing
- Episode 171: The Art of Letting Go with Courtney Carver
- Episode 170: Gut Health Superfoods with Dr. Sarah Ballantyne
- Episode 169: Primal Play with Darryl Edwards
- Episode 168: Oxalates, Sulfur, and Salicylate Sensitivities with Heidi Turner, RD
- Episode 167: Why New Year’s Resolutions Often Fail with Dr. Shainna Ali
- Episode 166: Autoimmunity 101 with Dr. Douglas Pucci
- Episode 165: Healing Stories 8
- Episode 164: Best Of – AIP FAQ
- Episode 163: Best Of – DNRS with Annie Hopper
- Episode 162: AIP Celebrations
- Episode 161: Perfectionism with Dr. Judy Tsafrir
- Episode 160: Insomnia & CBT-I with Dr. Jade Wu
- Episode 159: Graves’ Disease with Dr. Abbi Lulsegged
- Episode 158: Inflammation with Dr. Will Cole
- Episode 157: The Healing Power of Journaling with Olwen Wilson
- Episode 156: Cultural Foods and the Paleo Autoimmune Protocol
- Episode 155: Nutritious Movement with Katy Bowman
- Episode 154: COVID-19 & Autoimmune Disease Update with Dr. Aly Cohen
- Episode 153: Gender, Race, and Autoimmune Disease with Dr. Maggie Cadet
- Episode 152: Mind-Body Techniques for Pain with Vidyamala Burch
- Episode 151: Intuitive Eating and the AIP with Steph Gaudreau
- Episode 150: Diagnosis Detective with Dr. William Mitchell
- Episode 149: Best Of – Sticking To It – Staying ON the Paleo AIP Wagon
- Episode 148: Self-Soothing vs. Self-Care with Dr. Lili Wagner
- Episode 147: Loss of Oral Tolerance with Dr. Datis Kharrazian
- Episode 146: Anxiety & Autoimmune Disease with Dr. Maureen Pierce
- Episode 145: Wahls Protocol Research Update
- Episode 144: Early Pandemic Podcast – Coronavirus and Autoimmune Disease with Andrea Nakayama
- Episode 143: How to Survive an Autoimmune Flare
- Episode 142: Osteoporosis with Dr. Amy Nett
- Episode 141: Overcoming Sugar Cravings with Dr. Vickie Bhatia
- Episode 140: Autoimmunity & the Brain with Donna Jackson Nakazawa
- Episode 139: Healing Stories 7
- Episode 138: Best Of – Exercise and Autoimmune Disease
- Episode 137: Best Of – MTHFR with Dr. Ben Lynch
- Episode 136: Loneliness with Dr. Ellen Vora
- Episode 135: The Placebo and Nocebo Effect with Erik Vance
- Episode 134: Orthorexia with Imei Hsu
- Episode 133: The Gut Microbiome with Dr. Lucy Mailing
- Episode 132: Sex and Autoimmune Disease with Kate Wolovsky
- Episode 131: Blood Sugar & Autoimmunity with Dr. Jeff Horacek
- Episode 130: Long-Term Healing Diets
- Episode 129: Resilience with Dr. Cynthia Li
- Episode 128: Best Of – Mind-Body Nutrition with Marc David
- Episode 127: Best Of – Social Lives on the Paleo Autoimmune Protocol
- Episode 126: Hashimoto’s AIP Medical Study
- Episode 125: The Pursuit of Perfect Health with Dr. Terry Wahls
- Episode 124: The Best & Worst Things People Say When You Have Autoimmune Disease
- Episode 123: The Forgiveness Controversy with Dr. Harriet Lerner
- Episode 122: Brain Fog with Dr. Tim Gerstmar
- Episode 121: Time Management with Laura Vanderkam
- Episode 120: Scleroderma with Dr. Aly Cohen
- Episode 119: Fatigue with Andrea Nakayama
- Episode 118: Boundaries and The Art of Saying No with Dr. Nicole LePera
- Episode 117: Eating AIP in a Non-Paleo Home
- Episode 116: The Gut-Brain Connection with Dr. Lili Wagner
- Episode 115: Easy AIP with Mickey Trescott
- Episode 114: Exercise Intolerance with Andrea Wool
- Episode 113: Healing Stories 6
- Episode 112: Best Of – Beyond Food: Healing Lifestyle
- Episode 111: Best Of – Paleo Cooking and Baking Tips from the Masters
- Episode 110: Stem Cell Research with Dr. Jeffrey Cohen
- Episode 109: The Science of Gratitude with Dr. Fuschia Sirois
- Episode 108: Trauma & Autoimmune Disease with Dr. Maureen Pierce
- Episode 107: Research: The Truth Behind Headlines with Dr. Sarah Ballantyne
- Episode 106: From Victim to Empowered with Sarah Kolman
- Episode 105: Perimenopause and Menopause with Dr. Lara Briden
- Episode 104: DNRS with Annie Hopper
- Episode 103: Fasting with Dr. Amy Nett
- Episode 102: Lupus with Dr. Daniel Lewis
- Episode 101: Heavy Metals with Dr. Christopher Shade
- Episode 100: Ten Lessons I’ve Learned About Life with Autoimmune Disease
- Episode 99: What Is a Digital Detox?
- Episode 98: Gut Health with Dr. Michael Ruscio
- Episode 97: Prescription for Joy
- Episode 96: Liver Health with Dr. Alex Golden and Megan Blacksmith
- Episode 95: Religious Traditions and the AIP
- Episode 94: Troubleshooting Sleep with Dan Pardi
- Episode 93: Are You Eating Enough to Heal? with Laura Schoenfeld, RD
- Episode 92: The Pegan Diet with Dr. Mark Hyman
- Episode 91: Meditation for Fidgety Skeptics with Jeff Warren
- Episode 90: Paleo AIP Babies and Postpartum
- Episode 89: Grief and Autoimmune Disease with Kerry Jeffery
- Episode 88: AIP FAQ
- Episode 87: Healing Stories 5
- Episode 86: Best Of – Autoimmune Q&A with Dr. Datis Kharrazian
- Episode 85: Best Of – Overcoming Self-Sabotage with Dr. Judy Tsafrir and Rory Linehan
- Episode 84: Declutter 101 with Courtney Carver
- Episode 83: Medical Study on the Paleo AIP for Inflammatory Bowel Disease
- Episode 82: Healing Mistakes to Avoid with Chris Kresser
- Episode 81: Anemia and Autoimmune Disease with Dr. Amy Nett
- Episode 80: Self-Compassion with Dr. Kristin Neff
- Episode 79: Nutrient Density with Dr. Sarah Ballantyne
- Episode 78: Sticking To It – Staying ON the Paleo AIP Wagon
- Episode 77: Personal Q&A with Eileen Laird
- Episode 76: Paleo Surgery Advice with Dr. Terry Wahls and Angie Alt
- Episode 75: Paleo Neurologist Q&A with Dr. Ken Sharlin
- Episode 74: Highly Sensitive People with Alane Freund
- Episode 73: MTHFR with Dr. Ben Lynch
- Episode 72: Paleo Dentist Q&A with Dr. Mark Burhenne
- Episode 71: Trying to Do It All – Work, Family, and Autoimmune Healing
- Episode 70: Functional Blood Test Analysis with Andrea Nakayama
- Episode 69: Healthy Deviance with Pilar Gerasimo
- Episode 68: Personalized Nutrition with Robb Wolf
- Episode 67: Building Effective Doctor-Patient Relationships with Dr. Cynthia Li
- Episode 66: Mind-Body Nutrition with Marc David
- Episode 65: Brain Health with Dr. David Perlmutter
- Episode 64: Epigenetics 101 with Bailey Kirkpatrick
- Episode 63: Exercise and Autoimmune Disease
- Episode 62: Preventing Autoimmune Disease with Dr. Tom O’Bryan
- Episode 61: Healing Stories 4
- Episode 60: Transitioning from Vegetarian to Paleo
- Episode 59: The Power of Self-Inquiry with Byron Katie
- Episode 58: Supplements with Kamal Patel
- Episode 57: Living an Empowered Autoimmune Life
- Episode 56: Healthy Detoxification with Torea Rodriguez
- Episode 55: Saving Time in the Kitchen
- Episode 54: Thyroid Health with Elle Russ
- Episode 53: The Food as Medicine Documentary
- Episode 52: Heart Health with Dr. Jack Wolfson
- Episode 51: Marriage and Autoimmune Disease
- Episode 50: Can Hypnotherapy Treat Autoimmune Symptoms? With Kerry Jeffery
- Episode 49: Rheumatoid Arthritis with Dr. Melissa McNamara
- Episode 48: Medication Decisions
- Episode 47: Adrenal Fatigue Update (Part 2) with Christopher Kelly
- Episode 46: Paleo Dietitian Q&A with Amy Kubal
- Episode 45: Social Lives on the Paleo Autoimmune Protocol
- Episode 44: The Art of Stress Management with Evan Brand
- Episode 43: Never Too Late! Healing Diets Over Age 60
- Episode 42: Infections and Autoimmunity with Dr. Michael Ruscio
- Episode 41: EFT with Dr. Anne Merkel
- Episode 40: The Primal Connection with Mark Sisson
- Episode 39: LDN with Dr. Thomas Cowan
- Episode 38: Hormones and Autoimmune Disease with Dr. Justin Marchegiani
- Episode 37: Meditation Healing Stories
- Episode 36: Histamine Intolerance with Alison Vickery
- Episode 35: A Simple Guide to the Paleo Autoimmune Protocol
- Episode 34: Paleo Cooking and Baking Tips from the Masters
- Episode 33: Medical Marijuana and Autoimmune Disease
- Episode 32: Celiac, NCGS & Leaky Gut with Dr. Alessio Fasano
- Episode 31: Healthy Habits – Gretchen Rubin Book Club
- Episode 30: Healing Stories 3
- Episode 29: SIBO with Dr. Melanie Keller
- Episode 28: History of the AIP with Robb Wolf
- Episode 27: Hashimoto’s with Andrea Nakayama
- Episode 26: Beyond Food – Healing Lifestyle
- Episode 25: Paleo AIP Travel
- Episode 24: The Mind-Body Connection with Donna Jackson Nakazawa
- Episode 23: When Your Child has Autoimmune Disease
- Episode 22: Transitioning Your Family to Paleo
- Episode 21: Autoimmune Q&A with Dr. Datis Kharrazian
- Episode 20: Ketogenic Diets with Terry Wahls and Paul Jaminet
- Episode 19: Fecal Microbiota Transplants
- Episode 18: Autoimmune Skin Conditions
- Episode 17: An Autoimmune Paleo Pregnancy
- Episode 16: Young, Single and AIP
- Episode 15: Adrenal Fatigue (Part 1) with Christopher Kelly
- Episode 14: Healing Stories 2
- Episode 13: Autoimmunity and Infertility with Dr. Fiona McCulloch
- Episode 12: Circadian Rhythms & the Perfect Health Diet with Dr. Paul Jaminet
- Episode 11: Reintroducing Foods on the Paleo AIP
- Episode 10: Overcoming Self-Sabotage with Dr. Judy Tsafrir and Rory Linehan
- Episode 9: Functional Medicine with Anne Angelone
- Episode 8: Getting Help – Health and Nutrition Coaching
- Episode 7: The Wahls Protocol with Dr. Terry Wahls
- Episode 6: Paleo Holiday Survival Guide
- Episode 5: Fermented Foods with Sarah Ramsden
- Episode 4: Practical Tips for Getting Started
- Episode 3: The AIP with Dr. Sarah Ballantyne
- Episode 2: Paleo 101 with Liz Wolfe
- Episode 1: Healing Stories
Hello Eileen, I am sorry to trouble you but I have a quick question. I have the Autoimmune disease Ankylosing Spondylitis and I strongly suspect many other issues. I’ve been trying to improve my health situation for a long time with no success. I find myself reacting to so many foods that I am now down to just a few. I’m interested in listening to the Podcasts and I wonder if you can suggest one, two or more of them that may provide some help and guidance for people who just react to everything they eat. I’ve tried Paleo which then led to Keto which then led to zero carb all of which gave me issues. I am at a loss. Thankyou.
Hi Robert. Yes, I have the perfect podcast for you. It’s Episode 147: Loss of Oral Tolerance. It explains why that happens, and how to restore tolerance again.
I’m so grateful for your speedy reply and will listen eagerly. By the way I enjoyed reading your “Message To My Community” which arrived at my email yesterday and I fully agree with your sentiments.. I think it was expertly written with wisdom and compassion. Thank you.
You’re so welcome, Robert. The response to the letter has been overwhelmingly positive (with a few rare exceptions). I truly appreciate your support.
Hello Eileen, my name is Anne (45) and I’m dealing with health problems related to autoimmune. I recently purchased a infrared sauna, and I have been enjoying your podcasts while sweating in the sauna. You give me hope and motivation to continue to strive for healing. It’s nice to know that I’m not alone. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!!!!!!
Anne, you are definitely not alone! Thanks for writing. Wishing you wellness in every way.
I would like to listen to a Podcast.
Hi Jean. Listening options are included right at the top of this post. You can follow the links to listen in iTunes or Stitcher. You can also listen to the episodes right here on my blog – there’s a play bar at the bottom of every one. Just click the topic that interests you.
Hi Eileen, I susbscribe to your podcast from iTunes, and I reall enjoy the thoughtful interesting content, thank you. I recently did an update on iTunes and I see that episode 1 – 11 is no longer available. I listen to them often as there is some really good basic info on them. I can only get the podcasts through Itunes – can I get those episodes back? Many thanks Elaine
PS I love your husband’s guitar playing too, he’s really good!!
Hi Elaine. Thank you so much for the heads-up! I believe I found the setting in my podcast feed. It was set to a maximum of 50 episodes. I’ve increased it to 300 (the max). It might take a few days for iTunes to update, but the limit has been lifted. I’m glad you love the podcast so much, and I’ll pass your compliments onto my husband. It always makes him smile and blush.
I need to thank you for providing such a tremendously helpful resource in your podcasts. The range of topics has been outstanding. I’ve even found myself making helpful connections from some episodes that I’d not expected to apply to my own health, and that is after countless days of research, doctors’ visits and diet changes in search of solutions. I appreciate the insightful questions you ask your guests, and the balance of technical information and inspiring stories presented in such a positive way. It’s truly provided a helpful boost on a few levels. (I’ve found myself with the “good-bye” song stuck in my head a few times recently — a sure sign of lots of listening and resonation happening! 🙂
Cory, thank you so much! Your post made my day. I know this is a very busy season, but if you have an extra minute to leave a testimonial in iTunes as well, that helps new people find it. The more reviews, the more iTunes shows it in podcast searches. Happy Holidays!
The first podcast was great! You mentioned we could sign up so that we wouldn’t miss them on going. Where do I sign up? Will emails be sent? Thank you for all that you share with us.
Hi Cheryl. I’m glad you enjoyed it! There are two ways to be notified. One is to subscribe through iTunes. Or you can subscribe to my blog, and you’ll get email notification.