what is a healing mindset?
Simply put, it's the practice of harnessing the anti-inflammatory power of our minds to support autoimmune health. It's realizing that some thoughts and behaviors ramp up inflammation and others tone it down. This book is a roadmap to doing less of the former and more of the latter.
What's in the book?
stress and autoimmune disease
The immune system is directly impacted by stress. Stress not only increases inflammation, but it also increases autoimmune activity, including how often you flare, how long it lasts, and how severe your symptoms.
benefits of the mind-body connection
who is the author?
Eileen Laird is an author, podcast host, and autoimmune warrior, living a vital life with rheumatoid arthritis. She's reached millions of people through her popular website and podcast, Phoenix Helix, where she shares information and inspiration for autommune health. She wrote this book for you, but she also wrote this book for herself.
what people are saying
In Healing Mindset, Eileen Laird gives us a beautiful and practical guide, grounded in science and infused with compassion. My own experience with autoimmune illness not only changed my life, but also how I practice medicine. So this I know: the integration of mind-body-spirit is an essential part of deep healing. What Laird offers us in her book are practical steps and over 90 practices to start this journey today.
Cynthia Li, MD
Functional medicine physician and bestselling author of Brave New Medicine
Healing Mindset is a wonderful exploration into the incredible power of our minds - to synthesize information, manage emotions, and empower positive thoughts, especially when faced with autoimmune disease. As an integrative rheumatologist for two decades, I'm thrilled to recommend this insightful book as a guide for my autoimmune disease patients, as they bravely step forward on their journey to improved mental and physical health.
Aly Cohen, MD
Integrative rheumatologist and bestselling author of Non-Toxic: Guide to Living Healthy in a Chemical World
For those suffering from autoimmune disease and in search of new and powerful layers of healing, Eileen Laird has taken all the guesswork out by offering up a clear and concise how-to compendium of easy-to-adopt practices from the best mind-body sages. There is something wise and helpful here for every reader - beginners to the healing journey as well as those well along the path. Laird lives what she teaches and knows of what she speaks: she walks the walk as both a compassionate and courageous woman finding healing for her own autoimmune concerns and a healer of others. Lucky for us, she generously gifts her hard-won lessons to all.
Donna Jackson Nakazawa
Author of Girls on the Brink, The Angel and the Assassin, Childhood Disrupted, The Autoimmune Epidemic, and founder of Your Healing Narrative: Write-to-Heal with Neural Re-Narrating™
A mechanic fixes individual parts so that the whole can be restored to function. An artist focuses on the whole and draws on subtler interconnections. Western medicine is best suited to problems of acute care, such as broken bones and heart attacks - areas that require a mechanistic understanding of how the human body works. Autoimmune disease demands an artistic mechanic, working holistically to solve problems. In a nation facing an autoimmune epidemic, Eileen Laird's Healing Mindset offers a comprehensive set of practical tools for patients and practitioners to begin the artist's journey towards healing.
Ellen Vora, MD
Holistic psychiatrist, medical acupuncturist, and author of The Anatomy of Anxiety
I love this book. A healing mindset is an essential part of any health restoring protocol. This guide will empower you with multiple ways to develop your mind-body connection.
Terry Wahls, MD
Functional medicine physician, clinical professor of medicine, and bestselling author of The Wahls Protocol
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