
Eileen on a mountaintop, the sunset behind her

Retiring from Phoenix Helix: How to Say Goodbye

11 years ago today, I wrote my very first blog post. Today, I wrote my final one. In this post, I celebrate the last 11 years, share why I’m retiring, and also talk about what’s next. Thank you for being on this journey with me. 💜

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Episode 167: Why New Year’s Resolutions Often Fail with Dr. Shainna Ali

With autoimmune disease, habits have a big impact on our health, yet 80% of New Year’s resolutions fail. Why is this so? Should we give up? Or are there things we can do to make us more likely to succeed, whether we make a resolution on January 1st or any other day of the year? That’s the topic of our podcast today. My guest is Dr. Shainna Ali, a mental health counselor, educator, and advocate. She’s an expert at helping people make positive changes in their lives, and be compassionate with themselves while they do it.

woman sleeping

10 Ways to Improve Your Sleep Right Now

Sleep has a direct connection to autoimmune health. Lack of sleep increases inflammation, increases our susceptibility to infection, and stimulates the immune cells that become overactive with autoimmune disease. It’s one of the reasons poor sleep is such a common trigger of autoimmune flares. Yet sleep isn’t always as simple as just going to bed. What if you have trouble falling asleep and staying asleep? There are things you can do! Here are my top ten tips.

The 10 Recipes I Cook Most Often | Phoenix Helix

The 10 Recipes I Cook Most Often

I started my healing diet and lifestyle back in 2012, and I have so many favorite recipes. But a frequently asked question from my readers is this: Which do I make most often? Here’s my personal Top 10!

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