
Healing Diet: Bone Broth | Phoenix Helix

Healing Foods: Bone Broth (Paleo, AIP, GAPS, Wahls, Whole30)

While many of us have switched to the faster Instant Pot Method, the truth is you don’t need a fancy pot to make this healing diet staple. For centuries, people around the world have used bone broth to nurture, strengthen and heal. There’s a reason we crave it when we feel badly. Learn why it’s so good for you, and how easy it is to make.

woman meditating

Meditation….It’s Easier Than You Think

So, your mind is full of thoughts 24 hours a day, and you cannot imagine being able to clear that crazy head. Sitting still makes you restless, and silence kind of freaks you out. I’m here to tell you that you’re not alone. Every meditator for centuries has felt that way at the beginning. We’re all born with “monkey minds.” The key is to re-frame meditation in your mind, lower your expectations and release the pressure that comes with that word. Here are 10 ways to get started, as well as information on why it’s such a powerful healing tool.

Terry’s Healing Story (Multiple Sclerosis)

When you’re famous, like Dr. Terry Wahls, a lot of people simplify your story. Did you know that Terry has never claimed to be cured? She still has MS symptoms, just far less than before. In this interview, I ask the questions not often asked, like what symptoms still remain and what medication she’s still taking. Where the diet is hard for her, and how her family responded. I think it helps us to see the human journey beyond the hero tales. Because we’re all walking this path in real life. It’s nice to know our heroes are on the ground, right alongside us.

Sample Menus for Paleo, AIP, GAPS & Wahls Diets

When you first read up on healing diets, it can be hard to imagine what to eat, since so many of your old foods are off the table. Here, I give sample menus for the Paleo, Wahls and GAPS Diets.

Comparison of 3 Healing Diets

Have you heard of the GAPS, Paleo and Wahls healing diets and wondered where they’re the same and where they’re different? I did the research and summarized it for you in this article.

eileen's feet in the sand with the ocean in the background

Eileen’s Healing Story Part 1 (Rheumatoid Arthritis)

This was the very first post I wrote on my blog, and describes my rock bottom with rheumatoid arthritis, and the beginning of reclaiming a beautiful life. If you are at rock bottom right now, I want you to know there’s hope.

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