
Do Paleo-Friendly Autoimmune Specialist MDs Exist?

Yes, but they are a rare breed! I searched long and hard, scouring websites and directories, polling my readers and fellow autoimmune bloggers, and created this list. While the vast majority of autoimmune specialist MDs believe diet makes no difference and we are fooling ourselves to think otherwise, I found over 40 doctors who are open to the paleo lifestyle. This doesn’t mean that they prescribe a paleo diet. It means they understand that diet can be powerful complementary medicine and respect those patients who take steps to maximize their autoimmune health. My hope is that they are the pioneers of a growing movement in medicine, where doctors will embrace the simple truth that what we eat, and how we live, affects how we feel.

Episode 24: The Mind-Body Connection with Donna Jackson Nakazawa

This episode of the Phoenix Helix podcast is one of the most popular of all time. Can our minds help heal (or harm) our bodies? What used to be considered “new age thinking” is now being proven through the science of psychoneuroimmunology. My guest is an award-winning science journalist who also has autoimmune disease. She conducted a year-long self-experiment into mind-body practices and their effects on her own autoimmune symptoms. She also researched the effect childhood trauma has on our developing brain and immune systems, which can set us up for autoimmune disease later in life. Thankfully, there are ways to reverse this process, and she shares those tips, too.

What’s Up With White Rice?

One of the basic tenets of the Paleo Diet is that it’s 100% grain-free. So why are all the paleo Instagram feeds filling up with #teamwhiterice photos? In this post, I delve into the pros and cons of this favored grain in the paleo community. If you decide you’d like to try reintroducing it into your own diet, I give you the best way to cook it for optimal benefit and least risk.

Episode 23: When Your Child Has Autoimmune Disease

This episode of the Phoenix Helix podcast addresses a difficult topic: When your child has autoimmune disease. We all know that it’s a terrifying moment to receive an autoimmune diagnosis yourself. To receive one for your child is simply overwhelming. It’s natural to feel helpless and unsure of what to do. We want to protect our children and usher them into a beautiful life. How do we do this in the middle of chronic illness? I invited 4 parents onto the show today, who have walked this path already. They share their experience and their advice for new parents facing this situation. Ciarra’s daughter has Hashimoto’s. Allan and Barbara’s daughter has Crohn’s. And Denise’s daughter has Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis and Uveitis.

Episode 22: Transitioning Your Family to Paleo

You’re much more likely to be successful on a healing diet if you aren’t constantly surrounded by foods you shouldn’t eat. That said, it’s not always easy to get families on board. In this podcast, we have a panel of guests sharing their experiences and advice for transitioning spouses, young children, teenagers, and even picky eaters to a paleo-style diet.

Episode 21: Autoimmune Q&A with Dr. Datis Kharrazian

This episode of the Phoenix Helix podcast interviews one of the major functional medicine leaders in the field of autoimmune disease: Dr. Datis Kharrazian. He’s a clinician, researcher, professor, and author of two bestselling books: “Why Do I Still Have Thyroid Symptoms?” and “Why Isn’t My Brain Working?” Today, we cover a wide range of topics: (1) The 3 Stages of Autoimmunity, (2) The Role of Blood Sugar in Autoimmune Disease, (3) The Power of Stress and Our Emotional Demons, (4) How to Support our Regulatory Immune Cells and Suppress our Inflammatory Ones, (5) The Connection Between Leaky Gut and a Leaky Blood-Brain Barrier, (6) Harnessing the Power of the Vagus Nerve, (7) Chemical Intolerance and the Dangers of Chelation, (8) How to Heal Food Sensitivities, and (9) His Top Recommended Tests and Supplements. It’s an information-packed interview!

Episode 20: Ketogenic Diets with Dr. Terry Wahls and Dr. Paul Jaminet

Ketogenic diets are an ongoing source of debate in the paleo community. Some people say they are the cure for all ills. Others say they are dangerous and should be avoided. In this podcast, we take a balanced look with an interview with Dr. Terry Wahls and Dr. Paul Jaminet. Are all ketogenic diets alike? What does the science really say? Who can benefit most from ketosis? What are the cautions? If you do decide to try it, what’s the best way to make the transition? This episode will help you decide if ketosis is right (or wrong) for you.

Sophie’s Healing Story (Hashimoto’s)

Hashimoto’s is an autoimmune disease that affects over 10 million people in the US alone. Damaging the thyroid gland, it creates symptoms so wide-ranging and confusing that it can be hard to diagnose. Sophie experienced a dramatic health decline that left her unable to work or care for her children. Today, she’s feeling 95% better. She shares her story with us today, including what diet and lifestyle changes made the biggest difference for her.

Episode 19: Fecal Microbiota Transplants

How does our microbiome affect our health? Is it possible that a “poop transplant” could reverse autoimmune disease? While that sounds a little crazy, if you listen to this podcast, it might start to make sense. Right now, FMTs are being used in the United States to cure life-threatening C. difficile infections, where medication has failed. Internationally, clinics are doing research into FMTs in the treatment of autoimmune disease. In this episode, I interview Glenn Taylor, director of the Taymount Clinic in the UK. He describes the science behind the transplants. Then, we hear from two patients who have received the procedure: one for C. difficile and one for multiple sclerosis.

Instant Pot Spaghetti Squash with Duck Fat Apple Juice Glaze (Paleo, AIP, GAPS, Wahls, Whole30)

Did you know that you can cook a squash WHOLE in the Instant Pot? No more struggling to get that knife through the hard shell. Once it’s cooked, it carves like butter. The Instant Pot cooks the squash in minimal time, and this simple glaze makes it taste decadently delicious! Don’t have an Instant Pot yet? No worries. I included an oven/stovetop variation for this recipe, too.

Episode 18: Autoimmune Skin Conditions

While all autoimmune diseases have common factors (molecular mimicry, an overactive immune system, leaky gut, food and stress triggers, etc.), autoimmune skin conditions sometimes have additional influences. So, that’s the focus of this episode of the Phoenix Helix podcast. Whether you have psoriasis, eczema, lichen planus, hidradenitis suppurativa, rosacea, or another autoimmune or immune-stimulated condition, listen in! And even if you don’t have skin issues, but are looking for some troubleshooting ideas for symptoms that aren’t resolving quickly, this episode might have the answers you seek.

A-Z Vegetable Recipe Roundup (Wahls + Paleo AIP)

Are you seeing some new veggies at the farmers market and wondering how to cook them? Are you stuck in a rut of eating the same ones all the time and feel ready to branch out? Vegetables are the foundation of the Paleo AIP Food Pyramid for a reason. They help our bodies detoxify, support a healthy microbiome, and contain phytonutrients you can’t find elsewhere. That’s why Dr. Terry Wahls recommends 6-9 cups daily, and Dr. Sarah Ballantyne recommends 8+ cups daily. Paleo may be famous for its meat, but most of us eat #morevegetablesthanavegetarian. Some people are overwhelmed when they hear those numbers. If that’s you, take a deep breath. I’m here to help!

Episode 17: An Autoimmune Paleo Pregnancy

Are you pregnant or planning to get pregnant? This podcast is for you! We cover pre-pregnancy nutrition, what to expect with each trimester, food plans for the hospital, why some people flare while others go into remission, and answer the question of why it’s so hard to stay paleo while pregnant. Mikaela Morgan Guimaraes has Crohn’s disease and shares her pregnancy experience. Samantha McClellan is a birth doula, educating us from the professional perspective. 

Episode 16: Young, Single and AIP

This episode of the Phoenix Helix podcast is about living the autoimmune paleo life when you’re young and single. It’s never easy to have autoimmune disease, but when you’re trying to date, deal with roommates, handle flares on your own, and find a way to focus on healing while all your friends are drinking, it can be even harder. My three guests were all diagnosed with their autoimmune disease at a young age, and they chose the impressive path of healing through diet and lifestyle. Today, we’ll be talking about the blessings and challenges of that choice.

AIP Food Pyramid

We’ve all seen the USDA food pyramid, and we know that’s a recipe for poor health. Are you curious what an AIP food pyramid looks like? What foods make up the foundation? Which ones are at the top and reserved for special occasions? When it comes to the paleo autoimmune protocol, we focus a lot on what we can’t eat. But the key to being happy on a healing diet is knowing what we CAN eat, and realizing that we can eat delicious, satiating food every single day, and heal at the same time.

Episode 15: Adrenal Fatigue with Christopher Kelly

This episode of the Phoenix Helix podcast delves into the connection between adrenal fatigue and autoimmunity. Our guest, Christopher Kelly, has recovered from adrenal fatigue himself and helped hundreds of others do the same. The classic symptom of adrenal fatigue is feeling tired but wired. What causes it? How is it connected to autoimmunity? And how is it healed? Chris answers these questions and also shares his personal healing story.

Instant Pot Bone Broth Tutorial (Paleo, AIP, GAPS, Wahls, Whole30)

This is the recipe that made me fall in love with the Instant Pot. It makes 24-hour broth in just 2-1/2 hours. I had been making 24-hour bone broth for almost 3 years, and saving this much time in the kitchen filled me with the kind of gratitude that only “real food cooks” like yourselves can understand. Ready to do a happy dance in your kitchen?

Episode 14: Healing Stories 2

This episode includes 5 interviews with people maximizing their autoimmune health through the paleo diet and lifestyle. There’s nothing more inspiring than real life stories. Episode 1 of this podcast included 5 such stories and it is the most popular episode to date. Today we have a sequel and will talking about Hashimoto’s, Crohn’s, Myasthenia Gravis, Diabetes, Sarcoidosis, Cardiomyopathy and Ankylosing Spondylitis.

He Won’t Know It’s Paleo Cookbook Review & Sample Recipe: Asian Lettuce Wraps

By the cookbook’s title, you wouldn’t guess this is an AIP cookbook, but Bre’anna has celiac and Hashimoto’s disease, and finds the paleo autoimmune protocol keeps her feeling her best. When she first decided to switch to paleo (and eventually the AIP), she wasn’t sure her husband would appreciate the change in menu. So, she set herself the goal of creating recipes so familiar and delicious, that he wouldn’t know they were paleo. Her specialty is AIP comfort food, like queso dip, tortillas, blackberry cobbler, lasagna, “cornbread” muffins, and more. Miraculously, she’s removed the inflammatory ingredients and made these recipes health-supporting instead. Today, I share all the details about her new cookbook, including a sample recipe for Asian Lettuce Wraps, and give you a chance to win your very own copy!

Episode 12: Circadian Rhythms & The Perfect Health Diet with Dr. Paul Jaminet

This episode of the Phoenix Helix podcast covers Circadian Rhythms: our internal body clock that does so much more than keep time. Balanced rhythms promote autoimmune healing, whereas wonky rhythms are a huge obstacle, throwing off our sleep, hormones, and so much more. I’m joined by Dr. Paul Jaminet, author of The Perfect Health Diet, to teach us how to harness these rhythms for optimal health. We also talk about his dietary protocol in detail, why he recommends eating white rice, and how infections relate to autoimmunity. It’s a great interview!

4 Flavors of Cauliflower "Rice" | Phoenix Helix

4 Flavors of Cauliflower “Rice” (Paleo, AIP, GAPS, Wahls, Whole30)

I spent two months trying out different flavor combinations for this paleo staple, and in this post I offer my 4 favorites: Moroccan Spice, Asian Ginger, Scallion, and Plain.  Added bonus: Cauliflower “rice” cooks in 6 minutes and is far more nutritious than the rice it replaces. It’s full of vitamins and antioxidants, it’s sulfur-rich which supports our ability to detoxify, it’s anti-inflammatory, and it’s beneficial for our gut. On top of that, it’s positively delicious! 

Episode 11: Reintroducing Foods on the Paleo AIP

This episode of the Phoenix Helix podcast covers Reintroducing Foods on the Paleo Autoimmune Protocol. Strict AIP isn’t meant to last forever. Today, I’m joined by two women with autoimmune disease who have been doing the AIP long-term. We talk about when to start reintroductions, how to do them correctly, and share our personal experiences with which foods we’ve successfully added back into our diet.

Healing Diet Details

GAPS Intro Diet Modified for Autoimmune Disease

If you’ve followed my blog for a while, you know that I started with the GAPS diet, and then transitioned to the Paleo Autoimmune Protocol (AIP), because I was still struggling with inflammation and autoimmune flares. Many people with autoimmune disease struggle on the GAPS protocol because it reintroduces foods very quickly, that are common food intolerances for people with autoimmune disease (such as nuts, dairy and eggs.) Katy Haldiman is a nutritional therapist who has modified the GAPS Introduction Diet to use with her autoimmune clients, with great success. She shares her modified protocol with us today, and tells us who benefits best from the Introduction Diet.

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