
Episode 40: The Primal Connection with Mark Sisson

When I first went paleo, Mark’s Daily Apple was one of the first blogs I found. I loved how he presented detailed information in easy-to-understand small bites. I also loved his holistic approach. Yes, food matters, but it’s about so much more than just food. Three years later, it was a thrill to interview him on my podcast. In this episode, we talk about the many ways our lives have changed from the lives of our ancestors. We can’t go back in time, but we can learn from our past. Highlights of our conversation include: Why Being Selfish Is Necessary, The 10 Habits of Highly Successful Hunter Gatherers, Reconnecting With a Body That Has Autoimmune Disease, and more.

Episode 39: LDN with Dr. Thomas Cowan

Low-Dose Naltrexone (LDN) is a nontraditional autoimmune medication that sometimes dramatically decreases symptoms at low cost and with minimal side effects. It has been mentioned in some of the healing stories shared on this podcast, so I promised to dedicate an entire episode to learning more. Our guest, Dr. Thomas Cowan, is a medical doctor in San Francisco who uses LDN as part of his autoimmune patient treatment plan. We learn what this drug is, how it works, how to find the right dose, and how to find a doctor who prescribes it.

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Why Food Sensitivity Testing Doesn’t Work

Let’s face it: the Paleo Autoimmune Protocol (AIP) is hard to do. If we could just take a test to identify our food sensitivities, it would be so much easier! So, why don’t we? Unfortunately, food sensitivity testing is unreliable, giving both false positive and false negative results. An elimination diet (like the AIP) is the only accurate way to test for them. It’s called the Gold Standard. This is actually one area where conventional doctors and paleo doctors agree. I realize that this can be very frustrating to hear if you’ve spent a lot of money on these tests already. Click through to read the scientific evidence.

Episode 38: Hormones and Autoimmune Disease with Dr. Justin Marchegiani

I think every woman with autoimmune disease knows how strongly our hormones can impact autoimmune symptoms. Some women flare around their periods. Some go into remission during pregnancy and then flare after delivery (or vice versa). Others find their symptoms start to increase during the hormone fluctuations of perimenopause. And others actually develop autoimmune disease after menopause. So clearly hormone balance is a topic near and dear to us all. In this podcast, I interview Dr. Justin Marchegiani, a functional medicine practitioner who specializes in hormone balance. He’ll teach us what’s at the root of hormone problems at all stages of a woman’s life, and how to correct them. For my male listeners, today’s podcast focuses mostly on women, but at the end of the podcast, Justin talks about hormone balance for men as well.

Simple Guide to the AIP Book Review Roundup

As most of you know, I published my first print paleo book on January 1st: A Simple Guide to the Paleo Autoimmune Protocol. The response has been overwhelming. When you write a book, you put your heart and soul into it, hoping it will resonate with others, but you never know until it’s out in the world. I’m both humbled and honored by what people have said. Here’s a review roundup, and if you scroll to the bottom of the post, you can enter my gratitude giveaway! I’m giving away some of my favorite AIP convenience foods along with copies of my books.

Episode 37: Meditation Healing Stories

Curious about the impact meditation can have in your life? Do you believe that you can’t meditate? Or that there’s one right way to do it? In this podcast, I interview four people with autoimmune disease, each sharing a different form of meditation and the impact it’s had on their health. At the end of the podcast, I share how meditation has worked in my own life since my rheumatoid arthritis diagnosis in 2012.

Can I Do the Paleo Autoimmune Protocol as a Vegetarian?

If you’re asking this question and researching paleo, I’m guessing your current diet isn’t improving your autoimmune symptoms, and you’re considering alternatives. Perhaps one of your healthcare practitioners has suggested you try the AIP. I know that if you haven’t eaten meat or seafood for years, possibly decades, it can be a hard thing to consider. So, first let me share the science with you, and then I’ll share some tips for making the transition easier.

Episode 36: Histamine Intolerance with Alison Vickery

Do you have unexplained skin rashes, headaches, digestive upset, mood issues and brain fog, even though you are following the paleo autoimmune diet and lifestyle perfectly? This might be a piece in your healing puzzle. Histamine is a natural component in both our food and our bodies, but certain things can make it overproduce, causing myriad symptoms that keep our body in a hypersensitive state. In this podcast, I talk with histamine expert, Alison Vickery, on what causes histamine intolerance and what we can do about it.

Meal Planning – A Paleo AIP Survival Tool

Benjamin Franklin said, “If you fail to plan, you’re planning to fail.” That applies to many areas in life, but especially a healing diet. If you don’t have healthy food available when you’re hungry, you’ll be tempted to go off diet and that can lead to an autoimmune flare. Today, I show you how I plan my own meals every week, including a sneak peek into my fridge! I also share a whole bunch of AIP meal planning resources, to make staying true your diet even easier.

Episode 35: A Simple Guide to the Paleo Autoimmune Protocol (AIP)

This episode of the Phoenix Helix podcast is dedicated to my book: A Simple Guide to the Paleo Autoimmune Protocol. I’m joined by three of my friends with autoimmune disease who have used the AIP to manage their own health. We share our healing stories, what worked and what didn’t, and what parts of the book resonate the most with our own journeys. Chelsey has Crohn’s disease. Erin has psoriasis, psoriatic arthritis and Raynaud’s disease. Tara has lupus, psoriasis and vitiligo.

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Celebrating My New Book: A Simple Guide to the AIP!

Happy New Year! I have exciting news to share. I just published my first PRINT book: A Simple Guide to the Paleo Autoimmune Protocol. Ever since I started the AIP 3 years ago, I’ve wanted to write a book to make it easier to understand and do correctly. This book is small enough to fit in a purse or backpack, simple enough that even someone with brain fog can understand, and written like a conversation between friends. I’m honored to say that both Robb Wolf and Sarah Ballantyne wrote testimonials for the back cover, and their endorsement means so much to me. To celebrate its publication, I’m giving away some fabulous prizes. Click through for details.

Episode 34: Paleo Cooking and Baking Tips from the Masters

When you first switch to a paleo diet, you lose a lot of your standard recipes, are introduced to a bunch of new ingredients, and it’s not uncommon to feel a little lost. In this podcast, we have expert tour guides! Cookbook authors Mel Joulwan and Rachael Bryant share everything from how to cook without a meal plan to their favorite AIP sauces and spice blends. And Laura Vein, former pastry chef, teaches us the fine art of paleo AIP baking.

Healing Kitchen Cookbook Review & Sample Recipe: Chicken Tenders with Pineapple Dipping Sauce

Have you heard of the Healing Kitchen Cookbook? It’s co-authored by Alaena Haber (Grazed and Enthused) and Sarah Ballantyne (The Paleo Mom), and it fills a niche long missing in the paleo autoimmune community. It’s a cookbook of fast and easy recipes with global flavors that are also easy on the budget. Today, I share the details, a sample recipe for Chicken Tenders with Pineapple Dipping Sauce, and offer you a chance to win your own copy!

Episode 33: Medical Marijuana and Autoimmune Disease

Medical Marijuana is now legal in 28 states in the US, and over a million people are using it to treat a wide variety of diagnoses, including autoimmune disease. Research shows it can help regulate the immune system, reduce inflammation, relieve pain, suppress muscle spasms, reduce anxiety, treat psoriasis, aid digestion, and much more. In this podcast, we delve into the science behind this controversial herb and talk with a number of people who are using it as part of their autoimmune disease treatment.

Episode 32: Celiac Disease, Gluten Sensitivity & Leaky Gut with Dr. Alessio Fasano

This episode of the Phoenix Helix podcast interviews world-renowned expert on leaky gut and autoimmunity: Dr. Alessio Fasano. We cover a wide range of topics: (1) The difference between celiac disease and gluten sensitivity; (2) Gluten cross-contamination vs. gluten cross-reaction; (3) The connection between leaky gut and autoimmune disease; (4) The causes of leaky gut and whether or not it can be cured; (5) Leaky gut testing and medication research; (6) The role of the microbiome in autoimmune disease; (7) Probiotics vs. fermented foods; (8) and much more. It’s an information-packed hour!

To Ghee or Not to Ghee

Why is ghee excluded on the Paleo Autoimmune Protocol if it’s allergen-free? Many members of the paleo community praise it as a nutrient-dense food, and it’s allowed on other healing diets like The Wahls Protocol. So, what’s the deal? I delved into some deep research to answer this question, including some personal n=1 experiments, polls in the autoimmune community, and learning all about the science (pro and con) behind this flavorful cooking fat. Should people with autoimmune disease be eating it? Let’s find out!

Episode 31: Healthy Habits – Gretchen Rubin Book Club

Are you a Rebel? Questioner? Obliger? Or Upholder? Knowing your “Habit Personality” makes a huge difference in achieving lasting change. The stakes are high for us. We have autoimmune disease which often comes with painful and disabling symptoms. Making healthy choices regarding diet and lifestyle can make a huge difference in our quality of life. Yet even knowing this, change is hard! In her books, Better Than Before and The Four Tendencies, Gretchen Rubin writes about 4 different “habit personalities”. In this podcast, we’ll help you figure out which one your are, and share which strategies work for each personality & which don’t!

4 people with their arms around each other, arms raised

How Do I Get the Support of Family and Friends?

Harnessing diet and lifestyle to improve autoimmune health is something no one can do for us. Yet, we don’t walk this world alone. We’re surrounded by friends, family and co-workers who are powerful influences on our lives. It’s a lot easier to stay on the healing path if we’re supported by those people, rather than thwarted by them. So, how do we get that support? In this blog post, I share my 10 best tips.

Episode 30: Healing Stories 3

If you’re a regular listener of my podcast, you know that I often start my shows with personal stories, where my guests share their health journeys from rock bottom to reclaiming a vital life. But at least once a year, I dedicate an episode to back-to-back healing stories, and I make an effort to speak to people with different autoimmune diagnoses each time. In this episode, my guests share their journeys with Scleroderma, Polymyositis, Raynaud’s, Psoriasis, Grave’s Disease, Uveitis, and Parkinson’s Disease.

Episode 29: SIBO with Dr. Melanie Keller

SIBO stands for Small Intestine Bacteria Overgrowth. Having bacteria in our bodies is a normal state of being. In fact, 90% of our body is made up of microbes. So what’s the problem with finding them in the small intestine? Well, they don’t belong there, at least not in high numbers. Whereas the large intestine is the natural home for billions of microbes, a healthy small intestine only has about 100,000. So, basically, they’ve migrated. Have you ever dealt with invasive plants in your yard? They tend to take over and cause all sorts of problems. The same thing happens in the small intestine. In this podcast, we discuss why this happens, how it relates to autoimmune disease, and the most effective tests and treatments. My guest, Dr. Melanie Keller, has battled SIBO herself and now specializes in its treatment professionally.

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Top 5 Mistakes People Make Reintroducing Foods

The paleo autoimmune protocol (AIP) has two phases: (1) eliminating potential food triggers temporarily, and (2) reintroducing them very carefully, to see how your body responds. It’s this second phase where we learn to communicate with our bodies, receiving clear messages on the foods that nourish us vs. the foods that harm us. This is very unique to each individual, and an empowering step in personalizing your diet to optimize healing. Have you tried to do food reintroductions but found the whole process really confusing? Or are you curious about the process and don’t know where to begin? In this article, I highlight the most common mistakes people make and teach you how to do it right.

Episode 28: History of the AIP with Robb Wolf

Did you know that Robb Wolf has ulcerative colitis, and that his mother and mother-in-law both had rheumatoid arthritis? There’s a reason he’s so passionate about educating people about the AIP. Many of us have had our lives transformed through the Paleo Autoimmune Protocol (Robb and myself included). While it’s not yet a mainstream healthcare approach, it’s gaining momentum and visibility worldwide. At the same time, we’ve forgotten a lot of the pioneers who did the research we’re using in our own health journeys today. I invited Robb onto this podcast to help us remember them. This is one of my favorite interviews. Robb says the same.

Episode 27: Hashimoto’s with Andrea Nakayama

This episode of the Phoenix Helix podcast delves into all things Hashimoto’s with functional nutritionist and educator, Andrea Nakayama. What tests are included in a complete thyroid panel? How do you find a good doctor? How do you manage ever-changing symptoms in a way that feels empowering, rather than disheartening? Even if you don’t have thyroid issues, this show is worth a listen. A surprising number of symptoms can have undiagnosed thyroid issues at their root.

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Navigating Setbacks

You’ve embraced the paleo diet and lifestyle, noticed a reduction in your autoimmune symptoms, and overall you’ve been feeling great and grateful. Suddenly, out of nowhere, your autoimmune symptoms flare and remind you of where you started. What’s happening, and how can you return to feeling better? Today, I share my best 10 tips for overcoming a healing setback.

Episode 26: Beyond Food – Healing Lifestyle

This podcast episode delves into healing lifestyle choices. We talk a lot about diet in this community, but healing is about much more than food. Sarah Ballantyne, author of The Paleo Approach and leader of the AIP movement says this: “Let me be clear: Dietary changes aren’t effective in isolation. If you don’t address lifestyle factors as well, it won’t matter how ideal your food choices are.” So, I interviewed four people about one lifestyle change that has made a big difference in their autoimmune healing journey. Sarah is one of them. If you haven’t started addressing your lifestyle choices yet, I offer you this podcast as inspiration to start today.

Continuous Brew Kombucha vs Batch Brew. Which is Better?

Kombucha is a beloved beverage in the real food community, and today I’m exploring the hot topic: What’s the best way to brew kombucha? Many people automatically say continuous brew, hands-down. I’ve been brewing kombucha for many years now, and I’ve done both the batch brew method and the continuous brew. I’m sharing the pros and cons of each. Spoiler alert: One’s not always better for everyone, but depending on your circumstances, one method might be better for you.

Episode 25: Paleo AIP Travel

When we’re on a healing diet, our kitchens become our safe places. It’s where we prepare delicious food that helps our body heal, with no worry of cross-contamination or hidden ingredients that can cause an autoimmune flare. However, we don’t want to feel trapped at home. Many of us have loved ones spread across the globe, and there are also so many beautiful places to visit. How can we travel with confidence, and stay healthy at the same time? In this podcast episode, two of my globe-trotting AIP friends share advice for plane travel, road trips, international adventures, camping, business trips, Disneyworld and more.

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