
Episode 89: Grief and Autoimmune Disease with Kerry Jeffery

Living with chronic illness is hard. Even when we are empowered to reclaim our health and live a vital and beautiful life, that’s not the same as a cure. It’s natural to grieve the life we had before, when life seemed easier, and our bodies were more predictable. What feelings are normal to experience? What do we do if we feel stuck or overwhelmed? In today’s podcast, we provide a roadmap for moving through anxiety, shock, fear, denial, anger, guilt, grief and shame. We also talk about what acceptance really means, and how to cultivate the strength of resilience.

Samantha’s Paleo AIP Reintroduction Experience

Are you curious (or confused) about the AIP food reintroduction process? I created this interview series, so you could hear about other people’s experiences. Samantha McClellan has ulcerative colitis. In this interview, she shares which foods she was able to reintroduce successfully, which reintroductions “failed”, how she told the difference, and what she learned along the way. The Paleo Autoimmune Protocol (AIP) has 2 phases: elimination and reintroduction. It’s this second phase where we learn how to expand and personalize the diet for our unique bodies.

Episode 88: AIP FAQ

One of my goals with my blog and podcast is to make the AIP as simple to follow as possible. That’s why I wrote my book! Today, I’m dedicating an entire podcast to the most frequently asked questions I’ve received over the past 5 years: Will the AIP work for my diagnosis? Is it helpful if you don’t have autoimmune disease? Does it replace medication? How does it differ from the Wahls Protocol? Why can’t I just do an allergy test? Can you do the AIP as a vegetarian? Why isn’t coffee allowed? Can you have sugar on the AIP? I’m constantly hungry – what do I do? Meagen Ashley from the blog, It’s All About AIP, joins me as co-host. Tune in to get answers to these questions, and many more. 

Episode 87: Healing Stories 5

If you’re a regular listener of my podcast, you know that I often start my shows with personal stories, where my guests share their health journeys from rock bottom to reclaiming a vital life. But at a least once a year, I dedicate an episode to back-to-back healing stories, and I make an effort to speak to people with different autoimmune diagnoses each time. Today, we’ll be talking about Ulcerative Colitis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Lichen Sclerosis, and ALS. And If you want to hear the prior Healing Stories podcasts, check out episodes 1, 14, 30 and 61. Let’s inspire each other!

Episode 86: Best Of – Autoimmune Q&A with Dr. Datis Kharrazian

This is one of the most popular podcast episodes – for good reason! Dr. Kharrazian is one of the leading functional medicine practitioners in the field of autoimmune disease. In this information-packed episode, we cover a huge range of topics: (1) The 3 Stages of Autoimmunity, (2) The Role of Blood Sugar in Autoimmune Disease, (3) The Power of Stress and Our Emotional Demons, (4) How to Support our Regulatory Immune Cells and Suppress our Inflammatory Ones, (5) The Connection Between Leaky Gut and a Leaky Blood-Brain Barrier, (6) Harnessing the Power of the Vagus Nerve, (7) Chemical Intolerance and the Dangers of Chelation,  (8) How to Heal Food Sensitivities, and (9) His Top Recommended Tests and Supplements. 

Episode 85: Best Of – Overcoming Self-Sabotage with Dr. Judy Tsafrir and Rory Linehan

This is one of my favorite episodes from Season 1 of this podcast. It’s a timeless topic. Sometimes, we make poor diet and lifestyle choices, even knowing that it will cause us pain. In this episode, we answer the question: “Why do we do this?” And we also offer a variety of ways to overcome this pattern. Dr. Judy Tsafrir is a psychiatrist who specializes in nutritional approaches to healing. She’ll be teaching us what’s going on in our bodies and brains, when we sabotage our own health. Rory Linehan is the blogger behind The Paleo PI. He has personal experience overcoming self-sabotage and will be sharing his story.

Episode 84: Declutter 101 with Courtney Carver

Our homes can have a powerful effect on our lives. Not only do they reflect our interests and daily responsibilities, they also impact how we feel physically, mentally, and emotionally. Decluttering can be a cathartic experience with benefits that resonate beyond material things. We learn the practice of letting go. We reflect on what we value most. We make space for change. We let more light in. Autoimmune disease is often a wake-up call for this type of priority-setting, and decluttering can be a way to de-stress and support our health. My guest Courtney Carver has multiple sclerosis herself, which inspired her decade-long journey into simple living. Today, we share practical tips for decluttering everything from our homes, to our emails, to our hearts and minds.

Episode 83: Medical Study on the Paleo AIP for Inflammatory Bowel Disease

There are literally thousands of anecdotal stories into the benefit of the paleo autoimmune protocol (AIP) as a treatment for autoimmune disease. But until recently, there was no scientific research to back up these claims. That changed with the publication of this study. 15 patients with active IBD (Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis) transitioned to the paleo autoimmune protocol. Result? 73% achieved remission. In this podcast, I interview Dr. Gauree Konijeti, gastroenterologist and lead researcher, and Angie Alt, the lead AIP coach for the group.

Episode 82: Healing Mistakes to Avoid with Chris Kresser

Mistakes: We’re human, and we all make them; it’s one of the ways we learn. But sometimes – if we’re lucky – we can learn from each other’s mistakes without having to make them ourselves. That’s our goal with this podcast. My guest, Chris Kresser, is one of the most respected voices in the paleo community. A functional medicine practitioner, world-class educator, and bestselling author, Chris highlights common autoimmune healing mistakes made by both patients and practitioners.

15 Hidden Sources of Gluten

When we switch to a paleo diet and start cooking our food at home, we have much more control over food exposures, including gluten. But it’s a tricky molecule that can trigger symptoms in very small doses, and it’s present in some surprising places. Today’s article is meant to educate and empower, not to scare anyone. First, I’ll tell you why avoiding gluten is wise for anyone with autoimmune disease. Then, we’ll cover the places gluten sometimes sneaks into our lives.

Episode 81: Anemia and Autoimmune Disease with Dr. Amy Nett

Why is anemia so common among people with autoimmune disease, and how does that impact our health and quality of life? What are the different types? How are they diagnosed? What are the common symptoms? And how are they treated? My guest, Dr. Amy Nett, will be answering these questions and more.

What Is Paleo Skincare?

We are so careful what we put on our babies’ skin. We intuitively know they are precious and pure, and we don’t want to risk exposing them to any harm. Why does that care disappear as we get older? The truth is that our skin is porous at every age, and what we put on our skin absorbs into our bloodstream. We need to read the labels of our skincare products, the same way we read the labels on food. In this blog post, I talk about the current lack of regulation in the cosmetics industry and share where we can find truthful information on what our personal care products contain. I also share the top 10 ingredients to avoid, and the 3 paleo skincare companies I love.

Freezer Cooking for the Paleo AIP – Cookbook Review & Sample Recipe: Shredded Chicken Empanadas

You asked for it, and your wish has been granted! There’s a new cookbook on the Paleo AIP Block. How many of us in our pre-paleo days reached for Lean Cuisine or Stouffers frozen meals for a quick dinner after a long, tiring day? While those brands don’t appeal to me any more, I do miss the convenience. That’s what this e-cookbook is all about! With this resource, we can fill our freezers with healthy frozen meals, always keeping some on hand for those nights when cooking from scratch feels like too much work. In this blog post, I share all the details including a sample recipe for Shredded Chicken Empanadas and an epic giveaway to celebrate the book’s launch.

Episode 80: Self-Compassion with Dr. Kristin Neff

With autoimmune disease, we’ve been told that our body is literally attacking itself. It’s common to feel betrayed by our bodies, furious with our bodies, and at war with ourselves. That’s not a healing state. However, making the shift to self-love doesn’t always come easily, especially when we’re suffering. The good news is that self-compassion can be learned, and it supports our health in multiple ways, not just mentally and emotionally but also physically. This podcast goes into all the details, including beginner steps and a guided self-compassion meditation. My guest is Dr. Kristin Neff. She has been teaching self-compassion and leading the research in this field for the past 15 years.

Episode 79: Nutrient Density with Dr. Sarah Ballantyne

What does it mean to be a nutrient seeker? Sometimes when we’re on a healing diet, we focus so much on the foods we avoid, that we forget to pay attention to the foods we’re choosing to eat. While it is essential to avoid inflammatory foods, we also need to provide our bodies with the deep nutrition they need to heal. A steady diet of chicken breasts, broccoli, and paleo AIP desserts isn’t going to get us there. So, which foods give us the biggest bang for our nutritional buck? What do our meals and menu look like when we are truly eating for health? That’s what this podcast is all about.

Superfood Sardine Salad for People Who Hate Sardines (Paleo, AIP, Wahls)

I grew up on Cape Cod, but I didn’t grow up liking seafood. In fact, I avoided it until I went paleo and learned about the benefits of omega-3 anti-inflammatory fatty acids. It turns out it is possible to change your taste preferences, but it requires repeated exposure. I started slowly, eating milder fish in flavorful sauces. At first, I simply tolerated seafood, but eventually I grew to love it….all except for sardines. The fishiest of the fish, they remained my seafood “Mount Everest”. That’s why I’m so excited to announce that I developed a recipe for sardines that I don’t just tolerate but truly enjoy. It’s my gift to all the sardine haters out there, including me!

Sticking To It - Staying ON the Paleo AIP Wagon

Episode 78: Sticking To It – Staying ON the Paleo AIP Wagon

Let’s be honest. The paleo autoimmune protocol is hard to do, and some people have a harder time than others. In this podcast, I invited 3 health & nutrition coaches onto the show, to share techniques that help their clients maintain a healthy lifestyle against all temptations and obstacles. All three of these ladies have personal experience following the autoimmune protocol for their own health as well. Let’s help each other succeed!

Phoenix Helix Podcast: Personal Q&A

Episode 77: Personal Q&A with Eileen Laird

Listeners have told me that while they love how information-packed my podcasts are, they would also love to know more about me personally. So, today my friend Joanna took the host chair and interviewed me! Note: this conversation isn’t about autoimmune disease at all – because we are so much more than our disease and sometimes it’s easy to forget that. Instead, we talked about everything from my childhood, to falling in love, to tattoos, to swimming with whales. Welcome to the Eileen Hour. 🙂

Episode 76: Paleo Surgery Advice with Dr. Terry Wahls and Angie Alt

Surgery can be a traumatic experience for the body – even more so for the autoimmune body – yet sometimes it’s necessary. So, how do we support our health: before, during, and afterward? There are no guarantees in life, but there are things we can do to stack the success odds in our favor. There are also ways to tap resilience when things don’t go according to plan. Dr. Terry Wahls, Angie Alt, and myself, have all had surgery while maintaining our healing diet and lifestyle. In this podcast we share our experience and tips.

If You Still Need Medication, What’s the Point of Paleo?

When I first turned to the paleo autoimmune protocol, I wanted to avoid immunosuppressant medication. In fact, I don’t know if I would have embarked on such a challenging diet if I hadn’t held onto this hope. 4 years later, I realized that for me, diet and lifestyle changes weren’t enough on their own, so I made the difficult choice to go on medication. Now, I’m in remission through a combination of medication, diet and lifestyle, and I have no regrets. Some of you might wonder: What’s the point of paleo if you still need medication? I answered this question myself in my prior posts, but I thought it would be helpful to ask some of my friends and colleagues the same question. In this blog post, I share answers from people with a wide variety of autoimmune diagnoses, who combine medication with paleo to feel their best.

Episode 75: Paleo Neurologist Q&A with Dr. Ken Sharlin | Phoenix Helix

Episode 75: Paleo Neurologist Q&A with Dr. Ken Sharlin

When you find a medical doctor that treats their patients holistically, it’s like a dream come true. Dr. Ken Sharlin believes in the power of a nutrient-dense paleo diet and lifestyle. He’s also the first functional medicine neurologist in the USA. And he understands the pros and cons of medication – when they might be needed, and when they can safely be reduced or eliminated. In this podcast, he shares his treatment tips for neurological autoimmune disease

Episode 74: Highly Sensitive People with Alane Freund

Are you easily overwhelmed by bright lights and strong smells? Do you get rattled when you have a lot to do in a short amount of time? Do you make a point of avoiding violent movies and TV shows? When you were a child, did your parents or teachers see you as sensitive or shy? Then you might be a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP), along with 15-20% of the general population. My hunch is that the percentage is much higher among people with autoimmune disease. In this podcast, psychotherapist Alane Freund teaches us what this term means. And if we fall into this category, how we can reap the benefits and overcome the challenges?

Episode 73: MTHFR with Dr. Ben Lynch

Once you start researching alternative approaches to treating autoimmune disease, it isn’t long before you hear of a gene mutation that can be a root cause for chronic illness and also a healing stumbling block. It’s called the MTHFR mutation. It stands for methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase. This is a very complex topic, and it’s easy to misunderstand and make mistakes trying to treat it. Our goal today is to explain MTHFR clearly in layman’s terms, talk about how you can tell if this mutation is indeed impacting your own health, and help you find a qualified practitioner to guide treatment. Dr. Ben Lynch is a doctor of naturopathic medicine who runs the website MTHFR.net. He’s considered the expert in this condition, writing, researching and presenting worldwide.

5 Things I Learned in 5 Years on the AIP

I cannot believe it’s been 5 years! I’m so grateful for that first step I took back in 2012 to reclaim my autoimmune health. Thank you for walking this path with me. To celebrate, I’m hosting an epic giveaway of some of my favorite paleo AIP resources. Because I love all of my readers around the world, I have a USA Prize Package worth $275 and an International Prize Package worth $300. Entering is easy! Just click through to the blog post and answer 2 questions in the Rafflecopter Box. There are no hoops to jump through! I also had fun filming a short video of 5 Things I Learned in 5 Years on a Healing Diet. And the learning never stops!

Episode 72: Paleo Dentist Q&A with Dr. Mark Burhenne

Episode 72: Paleo Dentist Q&A with Dr. Mark Burhenne

This is one of my most popular podcasts! Dr. Burhenne has a unique dental practice. He provides standard dental care, but he also teaches his patients about the oral microbiome and the importance of quality sleep, since both are essential to dental health. In this information-packed Q&A, we cover the oral microbiome, whether it’s possible to reverse cavities, the flouride debate, dental decisions, how dentists can treat sleep apnea, and more!

10 Superfoods for Autoimmune Health

10 Superfoods for Autoimmune Health

Giving up processed foods and following a real-food paleo diet goes a long way to feeding our bodies for health. But we can do even more! When we choose foods that are nutrient-dense, anti-inflammatory, detoxifying, immune system regulating, and supportive of digestion at the same time, we are truly embracing food as medicine. Thankfully, when it comes to food, there are many excellent choices. Here are some of my favorites. How many of these do you eat?

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