
Episode 105: Perimenopause & Menopause with Dr. Lara Briden

There is a complex connection between hormone balance and autoimmune health. The more balanced our hormones, the more balanced our immune system (and vice versa). Over the years, I’ve dedicated many podcasts to this topic, and in this episode we’ll be focusing on the menopausal transition. While smooth for some, this time of life can be rocky for others, leading to sleep issues, mood swings, hot flashes, and autoimmune flares. I’m 49 years old and currently in this transition myself. My guest, Dr. Lara Briden, is a naturopathic doctor who is passionate about women’s health. We’ll be talking about diet, lifestyle, supplements, and bio-identical hormones – all strategies that can restore balance in this important time of life.

wooden globe on pedestal

The Making of a Book Translation

Many of you know that I recently published the Spanish translation of my book, A Simple Guide to the Paleo Autoimmune Protocol. I thought it would be fun to share more about the process. Like many things in life, we don’t truly understand something until we live through it. For example, I thought this would be easy! It wasn’t, but it was definitely worthwhile. Here are the top 5 things I learned along the way, and a woman I’d like you to meet who I call the “midwife” for this translation: Alice Dénoyers of Episalud.

Episode 104: DNRS with Annie Hopper

If you have symptoms without a diagnosis, or symptoms that remain in spite of all the interventions you’ve tried, this episode is for you. DNRS is a home therapy based on neuroplasticity. With chronic illness, symptoms can actually become wired into our brains, even when the triggers for those symptoms are removed. DNRS rewires the brain (and body) for health. It has helped people with fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, chronic Lyme disease, multiple chemical sensitivity, irritable bowel syndrome, mold toxicity, chronic inflammatory response syndrome, mast cell activation, and more. These conditions are often called “mysterious illnesses”, meaning there’s no clear cause or effective treatment. DNRS approaches healing in a new way.

Episode 103: Fasting with Dr. Amy Nett

There are lots of different types of fasts: juice fasts, water fasts, bone broth fasts, detox cleanses, intermittent fasting, etc. When is fasting helpful vs. harmful? Why does one person feel better after fasting and someone else feel significantly worse? Can we predict this in advance? For people with autoimmune disease, is this something we should try or something we should avoid? My guest, Dr. Amy Nett, will be answering these questions and more. She’s a functional medicine physician and will be sharing the latest research.

Angela's Paleo AIP Reintroduction Experience | Phoenix Helix

Angela’s Paleo AIP Reintroduction Experience

Are you curious (or confused) about the AIP food reintroduction process? I created this interview series, so you could hear about other people’s experiences. Angela Horswill has lupus, celiac, and mixed connective tissue disease. In this interview, she shares which foods she was able to reintroduce successfully, which reintroductions “failed”, how she told the difference, and what she learned along the way. The Paleo Autoimmune Protocol (AIP) has 2 phases: elimination and reintroduction. It’s this second phase where we learn how to expand and personalize the diet for our unique bodies.

Episode 102: Lupus with Dr. Daniel Lewis

In this podcast episode, we take a detailed look at Lupus. How does it differ from other autoimmune diseases, and how is it diagnosed? Can diet and lifestyle make a difference? What are the best supplements? Is medication always necessary, and how do you make that decision? My guest is integrative rheumatologist Dr. Daniel Lewis. He has over 25 years of experience combining the best that conventional, alternative, and nutritional medicine have to offer.

Episode 101: Heavy Metals with Dr. Christopher Shade

When you start researching alternative health protocols, you quickly run across information on heavy metal toxicity. In this podcast, we delve into this topic in detail. What are heavy metals anyway, and how can they impact autoimmune disease? Is treatment always a good idea, or can it sometimes harm instead of help? I have a wonderful guest to answer these questions and more. Dr. Christopher Shade has a PhD in Environmental Metals Chemistry, and he has trained doctors worldwide on the subject of heavy metals and the human detoxification system.

¡La Guía básica del protocolo autoinmune paleo disponible en español!

Did you hear? My book is now available in Spanish! This blog post shares all the details, and it’s written in Spanish, just like the book. — ¿Ya te has enterado? ¡Mi libro ya está disponible en español! Es la perfecta introducción a esta dieta curativa. Sus páginas contienen toda la información imprescindible en un formato lo bastante pequeño y compacto como para poder llevarla fácilmente en el bolso o la mochila. Es tan sencilla que incluso las personas que padecen niebla mental podrán entenderla. Y, además, está escrita como si fuera una conversación entre amigos. Si alguno de tus seres queridos padece una enfermedad autoinmune y el español es su primer idioma, ¡comparte con ellos este libro!

Phoenix Helix Podcast: Ten Lessons I've Learned

Episode 100: Ten Lessons I’ve Learned About Life with Autoimmune Disease

For my 100th podcast episode, instead of interviewing someone else, I thought it would be fun to share what I’ve learned on my autoimmune journey so far. I developed rheumatoid arthritis in 2012, started blogging in 2013, and started podcasting in 2014. While I never would have chosen autoimmune disease, it has transformed my life in positive ways, alongside the really painful ones. I’ve come a long way from where I started, and I’m not done learning yet! I hope these insights will help those of you facing a new autoimmune diagnosis, and resonate with those of you who have been walking this path for years. Tell me where you agree and disagree, and what lessons you’ve learned along the way.

Episode 99: What Is a Digital Detox?

In modern life, most people feel insanely busy, but few realize that they’re spending hours each day on their phones. The average smartphone use in the United States is over 4 hours per day.  What does this have to do with autoimmune disease? A healing diet and lifestyle takes a lot of time to implement, so right away, a smartphone is competing for that time. But it impacts our lives in other ways, too. Technology use has been linked to increases in anxiety, depression, feelings of social isolation, insomnia, brain fog, the inability to concentrate, and more. When we have these issues, we often blame our diets or our autoimmune disease (which can be the cause), but technology can be a root cause is well. In this podcast, two guests and I share our experiences “unplugging” in a variety of ways, from small to large. I also include a printable PDF in the show notes, which lists all 10 experiments, so you can try them yourself.

Mitch's Paleo AIP Reintroduction Experience | Phoenix Helix

Mitch’s Paleo AIP Reintroduction Experience

Are you curious (or confused) about the AIP food reintroduction process? I created this interview series, so you could hear about other people’s experiences. Mitch Hankins has Hashimoto’s and Lyme disease. In this interview, he shares which foods he was able to reintroduce successfully, which reintroductions “failed”, how he told the difference, and what he learned along the way. The Paleo Autoimmune Protocol (AIP) has 2 phases: elimination and reintroduction. It’s this second phase where we learn how to expand and personalize the diet for our unique bodies.

Episode 98: Gut Health with Dr. Michael Ruscio

How do we lay the foundation for a healthy gut, and therefore a healthy body? When diet alone isn’t enough, what’s the next step? Do you have to work with a healthcare practitioner, or are there things you can try at home? In this podcast, Dr. Michael Ruscio answers these questions and many more. He is a functional medicine clinician, educator and researcher, specializing in digestive and autoimmune health. He’s also the author of a new book: Healthy Gut Healthy You.

Episode 97: Prescription for Joy

A Prescription for Joy might sound frivolous, but it’s actually an essential part of any healing protocol. What if it could be the key to remission? When we focus on autoimmune health, we rightly focus on things like diet, sleep, supplements and medication, but we often miss this very important piece. Life is meant to be enjoyed, even during challenging times – especially then. In this podcast, two people with autoimmune disease share their personal experience with filling this prescription, and how it helped them break through a healing plateau. I also share my own experience alongside practical tips for you.

Natalie's Paleo AIP Reintroduction Experience | Phoenix Helix

Natalie’s Paleo AIP Reintroduction Experience

Are you curious (or confused) about the AIP food reintroduction process? I created this interview series, so you could hear about other people’s experiences. Natalie Hope has Lichen Planopilaris (a scarring alopecia). In this interview, she shares which foods she was able to reintroduce successfully, which reintroductions “failed”, how she told the difference, and what she learned along the way. The Paleo Autoimmune Protocol (AIP) has 2 phases: elimination and reintroduction. It’s this second phase where we learn how to expand and personalize the diet for our unique bodies.

Episode 96: Liver Health with Dr. Alex Golden and Megan Blacksmith

Every day, our liver works hard on our behalf, and when it’s struggling, it can impact our health bodywide. Detoxing is all the rage, but the truth is, sometimes detox protocols can make you feel worse instead of better. Why is that? How can we support our liver naturally, without overwhelming it? And why is it essential to everything from hormone balance to autoimmune health? In this podcast, we’ll be answering these questions and more. My guests are Dr. Alex Golden and functional nutritionist Megan Blacksmith. They’re the women behind the website Zesty Ginger, and liver health is one of their specialties.

woman walking on a beach with footsteps in the sand behind her

10 Baby Steps Toward Autoimmune Health

When you first start thinking of making diet and lifestyle changes to improve your health, it can be pretty overwhelming. There are so many things that can drive inflammation, there are almost countless interventions to try. This blog post is for anyone who needs tiny steps to get started. There’s no shame in that! Baby steps are cumulative and can lead to huge improvements over time. It’s all about taking that first step. You don’t have to do this whole list at once, either. Choose one action step today.

Episode 95: Religious Traditions and the AIP

Many traditions – both sacred and secular – center around food. In addition, religions sometimes have specific rules concerning diet. When you’re diagnosed with autoimmune disease and change your diet to support your health, how do you maintain your connection to your religion, your culture, and your community? In this podcast, I interview 3 guests from 3 different faiths about how they mindfully balance their traditions with their diet and health needs

Mikaela's Paleo AIP Reintroduction Experience | Phoenix Helix

Mikaela’s Paleo AIP Reintroduction Experience

Are you curious (or confused) about the AIP food reintroduction process? I created this interview series, so you could hear about other people’s experiences. Mikaela Guimaraes has Crohn’s disease. In this interview, she shares which foods she was able to reintroduce successfully, which reintroductions “failed”, how she told the difference, and what she learned along the way. The Paleo Autoimmune Protocol (AIP) has 2 phases: elimination and reintroduction. It’s this second phase where we learn how to expand and personalize the diet for our unique bodies.

Episode 94: Troubleshooting Sleep with Dan Pardi

Sleep is essential to our bodies’ ability to heal. In fact, many of us have experienced autoimmune flares caused by lack of sleep. At the same time, autoimmune symptoms can make sleep difficult, creating a vicious cycle. So, what do we do? In this podcast, sleep expert Dan Pardi talks about the science of sleep: what happens when we’re sleeping and how much we need at different stages in our lives. We also talk about foundational habits for a good night’s sleep, and how to troubleshoot advanced sleep challenges.

Araza Certified Paleo Makeup Review

Have you heard of Araza Natural Beauty? They’re the only certified paleo makeup brand. Non-toxic skincare is an important component in autoimmune health, and makeup often contains some of the most toxic ingredients. Our skin actually absorbs what we put on it, so this matters. Unfortunately, truly natural makeup often has a reputation for not working well. So, I asked my friend Christina to put this makeup to the test. As a former makeup artist, her standards are high! Read her expert review and enter the giveaway to get a chance to sample it yourself.

Episode 93: Are You Eating Enough to Heal? with Laura Schoenfeld, RD

A big part of a healing diet is learning about personal food intolerances and how they can drive autoimmune symptoms. It’s empowering knowledge to have. However, sometimes the list of foods we remove grows and grows, and we make the mistake of thinking that food is the only trigger for autoimmune flares. It’s also common to not replace those calories with enough healthy foods that we can eat. This means we end up in a nutrition deficit. In this podcast, registered dietitian Laura Schoenfeld teaches us how to avoid this trap, how to troubleshoot ongoing symptoms, and how to leave food fear behind.

Yael's Paleo AIP Reintroduction Experience | Phoenix Helix

Yael’s Paleo AIP Reintroduction Experience

Are you curious (or confused) about the AIP food reintroduction process? I created this interview series, so you could hear about other people’s experiences. Yael Goodman has celiac disease, Hashimoto’s, and multiple sclerosis. In this interview, she shares which foods she was able to reintroduce successfully, which reintroductions “failed”, how she told the difference, and what she learned along the way. The Paleo Autoimmune Protocol (AIP) has 2 phases: elimination and reintroduction. It’s this second phase where we learn how to expand and personalize the diet for our unique bodies.

Episode 92: The Pegan Diet with Dr Mark Hyman

Dr. Mark Hyman is one of the most well-known names in the functional medicine movement. He is a practicing family physician, a 10-time New York Times bestselling author, and an internationally recognized leader, speaker, educator, and advocate. He has coined the term “peganism” and in this podcast, we talk about what that means, alongside other tips for autoimmune health.

Episode 91: Meditation for Fidgety Skeptics with Jeff Warren

If you think you can’t meditate, this podcast is for you! Do you picture meditators sitting quietly and peacefully with completely empty minds, people genetically wired totally differently from you? Let me tell you a secret: those people don’t exist. Even the Dalai Lama has thoughts while he meditates. The mind is designed to think just like the heart is designed to beat. Meditation isn’t about stopping thoughts; it’s learning how to notice and detach from them. There are also many different ways to meditate, including moving meditations, or cultivating mindful moments in daily life. My guest is Jeff Warren, a world-renowned meditation teacher who is an expert at helping people overcome their personal meditation obstacles

Erin's Paleo AIP Reintroduction Experience | Phoenix Helix

Erin’s Paleo AIP Reintroduction Experience

Are you curious (or confused) about the AIP food reintroduction process? I created this interview series, so you could hear about other people’s experiences. Erin has psoriasis, psoriatic arthritis, and Raynaud’s disease. In this interview, she shares which foods she was able to reintroduce successfully, which reintroductions “failed”, how she told the difference, and what she learned along the way. The Paleo Autoimmune Protocol (AIP) has 2 phases: elimination and reintroduction. It’s this second phase where we learn how to expand and personalize the diet for our unique bodies.

Episode 90: Paleo AIP Babies & Postpartum

When you have autoimmune disease, how do you continue to take care of yourself when you are also taking care of a new baby? What are the special health needs of both you and your baby during this time? In this podcast, 3 mothers share their experiences.

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